Self-Scheduled Examinations - Spring 2025
- Classes end Wednesday, May 7
- Review days are Thursday, May 8 and Friday, May 9
- Exams begin at 8:30 am on Saturday, May 10
- Exams end for graduating seniors on Monday, May 12 at 4:00 pm
- Exams end for non-graduating students on Wednesday, May 14 at 11:30 am
Exam Periods
- 8:30 am - 11:30 am; 1 pm - 4 pm; 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
- On Wednesday, May 14, there will be an 8:30 am - 11:30 am session only
- Exam Centers open 20 minutes prior to start time
- The official writing time for exams is three hours
- Exams MUST be returned no later than 11:30 am, 4 pm, or 8:30 pm to be in compliance with exam procedures
Exam Center
- The designated Exam Center is Ernst Common Room in Blaustein Humanities Center (lower level)
- Exams are issued from and must be returned to the Exam Center
- Exams are taken in Blaustein classrooms designated as exam rooms
- Cell phones, ipads, tablets, laptops, and any devices with internet connection are never permitted in exam rooms
- The Exam Center is locked when not in use
- Students may not leave the exam building (Blaustein) with an exam
The following self-scheduled examinations are to be taken in the exam building during any of the exam periods listed above. Students may use the materials indicated. Cell phones, ipads/tablets, or any internet connected devices are never permitted.
The list of exams and the materials allowed are subject to change. Please confirm information during Review Days.
Calculator and one 3"x5" index card with formulasÈ
Instructor Name | Course | CRN | Materials Allowed |
Graesch, Anthony | AMS 202 | 10069 | None |
Graesch, Anthony | ANT 202 | 10068 | None |
Weinstein, Michael | AST 110 | 10550 | Calculator |
Hardeman, Kris | BIO 209-1 | 10337 | Calculator and four 3" x 5" note cards |
Bernhard, Anne | BIO 209-2 | 10340 | one 8.5x11" sheet of paper with notes (can be front and back) |
Douglass, Stephen | BIO 398 | 10779 | None |
Suriyapperuma, Sardha | BOT 105 | 10106 | None |
Siver, Peter | BOT 205 | 10109 | None |
Ching, Stanton | CHM 104-2 | 10837 | Calculator; 8.5x11" sheet - hand write on both sides whatever they would like prior to the exam |
Stewart, Jacob | CHM 214 | 10504 | Calculator and one page of notes |
Zimmer, Marc | CHM 216 | 10508 | None |
Phillips, Darryl | CLA 101 | 10033 | None |
Becker, Timothy | COM 304 | 10145 | None |
Douglass, Stephen | COM 307 | 10146 | None |
Andrade, Michael | ECO 111-1 | 10036 | Calculator, ruler |
Andrade, Michael | ECO 111-2 | 10037 | Calculator, ruler |
Andrade, Michael | ECO 111-3 | 10038 | Calculator, ruler |
Priyanka, Sadia | ECO 112–1 | 10039 | One page of notes and calculator |
Priyanka, Sadia | ECO 112–2 | 10040 | One page of notes and calculator |
Lopez Anuarbe, Monika | ECO 112-3 | 10041 | Non-graphing calculator |
Stelzner, Mark | ECO 205-1 | 10044 | Calculator |
Park, Yongjin | ECO 205A | 10063 | None |
Cruz-Saco, Maria | ECO 206-1 | 10045 | Calculator |
Cruz-Saco, Maria | ECO 206-2 | 10046 | Calculator |
Lopez Anuarbe, Monika | ECO 240-1 | 10051 | Non-graphing calculator |
Chavanne, David | ECO 255-1 | 10052 | None |
Stelzner, Mark | ECO 304-1 | 10053 | Calculator |
Chavanne, David | ECO 317-1 | 10055 | None |
Jones, Chad | ES 100G | 10156 | None |
Graesch, Anthony | ES 203 | 10070 | None |
Zimmer, Marc | ES 216 | 10509 | None |
Abdi, Sana | FRH 102-1 | 10089 | None |
Levi, Jacob | FRH 102-2 | 10090 | None |
Austin, James | FRH 202 | 10092 | None |
Levi, Jacob | FRH 301 | 10093 | printed PDF of assigned text; a 5"x7" notecard with notes |
Anuforo, Love | GER 102-1 | 10099 | None |
Atherton, Geoffrey | GER 102-2 | 10100 | None |
Atherton, Geoffrey | GER 202 | 10101 | None |
Evans, Brett | GRK 221 | 10167 | None |
Evans, Brett | GRK 321 | 10168 | None |
Phillips, Darryl | HIS 108 | 10034 | None |
Sica, Paola | ITL 202 | 10177 | None |
Harlow, Devon | LAT 102 | 10184 | None |
Phillips, Darryl | LAT 202 | 10185 | None |
Phillips, Darryl | LAT 333 | 10186 | None |
Irwin, Whit | MAT 108-1 | 10438 | 8.5" x 11" formula sheet and a calculator |
Irwin, Whit | MAT 108-2 | 10904 | 8.5" x 11" formula sheet and a calculator |
Thompson, Vince | MAT 111-1 | 10257 | Calculator only |
Thompson, Vince | MAT 111-2 | 10258 | Calculator only |
O'Keefe, Augustine | MAT 112-1 | 10259 | None |
O'Keefe, Augustine | MAT 112-2 | 10958 | None |
Hammond, Christopher | MAT 113-1 | 10260 | None |
D'Ovidio Long, Abbey | MAT 226-1 | 10445 | Scientific calculator |
Wardak, Obaidullah | MAT 230-1 | 10780 | Calculator and an extra blank sheet |
Schroeder, Joseph | NEU 332 | 10732 | None |
Pessin, Andrew | PHI 279 | 10488 | 4"x6" index card, handwritten notes on both sides |
Gianninas, Alex | PHY 108 | 10560 | Scientific calculator |
Weinstein, Michael | PHY 110 | 10564 | Calculator |
Nier, Jason | PSY 201-1 | 10370 | Calculator |
Nier, Jason | PSY 201-2 | 10372 | Calculator |
Schroeder, Joseph | PSY 332 | 10396 | None |
Lanoux, Andrea | RUS 202 | 10568 | None |
Kuder, Emily | SPA 201-1 | 10494 | None |
Koehler, Jessica | SPA 201-2 | 10495 | None |
Steinhaus, Meghan | STA 107-1 | 10187 | Calculator and single sheet of paper (8.5x11) with their own hand-written notes on both sides |
Steinhaus, Meghan | STA 107-2 | 10188 | Calculator and single sheet of paper (8.5x11) with their own hand-written notes on both sides |
Williams. Matthew | STA 107-3 | 10189 | Calculator and one 3"x5" index card with formulas |
Wardak, Obaidullah | STA 230-1 | 10781 | Calculator and an extra blank sheet |