Conn announces Summer Session
Connecticut College has announced a five-week virtual summer session that will offer courses from a variety of departments, including psychology, government, economics and computer science.
The intensive session, which will take place between June 1 and July 2, 2021, follows last summer’s wildly popular session that marked the first time the College had offered such a program, and represents a valuable opportunity for students to complement their regular academic schedules and complete semester-long courses in just five weeks.
"Conn's summer session is an opportunity to take a course with one of our outstanding professors and give devoted focus to a topic that fascinates you, or allows you to get a jump on your major or make up ground in a new field of study,” said Dean of the College Jefferson Singer.
Financial aid is available and students will be able to enroll in up to six credits. The final list of courses will be determined by May 10 based on interest. Each class will have a minimum of 10 students and a maximum of 20, and the remote courses will be held synchronously to ensure a shared class experience despite not being in person.
For Quincy Dowling ’23, a biology major who took an introductory psychology course during last year’s summer session, the class provided an opportunity to try something different.
"Taking a class last summer was the perfect way to make my summer productive during a time when internship and job opportunities were limited due to COVID-19,” Dowling said. “I got to explore a new subject that I didn't have room to try during the previous academic year, and it was a great way to get to know another professor. It was nice to be able to concentrate on the material for just one class at a time."
Libby Friedman, assistant dean of the college for Connections, said that the classes are all Connecticut College courses, adding that the ones being offered are based largely on student feedback from last summer.
“We're offering a wide range of courses this summer from many departments and levels, so there's bound to be one that's right for every student, and some of these courses might be hard to get into during the regular academic year, so this is an extra opportunity to grab a seat!” Friedman said.
Brendan Stiltner ’22, a psychology major and philosophy minor who took the psychological disorders class during last summer’s session, said he appreciated the fact that he could complete a major requirement and have the flexibility to schedule his summer job around it.
“Even though the class was short and intensive, I got a lot from it because I could really focus,” Stiltner said. “Plus, being during the summer meant it freed up a class slot for one of my spring and fall semesters, and even though the course was remote, the professor did a great job of making it feel like there was a community. Overall, it was a very positive experience.”
Registration opens on April 28 at noon for all Conn students.
For more information on the summer session, click here.